Always a great meal and fun Christmas Day...The park provides the Turkey and wonderful gravy, our guests bring the side dishes and as in the past there was a great assortment and plenty of great food...even enough for some take home leftovers.
Check out that Buffet Table...
We had a wonderful crowd!
Before long the dessert cart came out...
Bob baked a special cake took all day he said...Not too sure about that!!!
Turkey Coma hit early and the seats are limited...
Our wonderful Crew...
We want to welcome Jim and Bobbie Groos our activity directors who arrive today and will be right across from the Clubhouse in site 13...
New Years celebration sign up sheet is in the office - wonderful Prime Rib Dinner or Chicken Picata with all the fixins - this is a wonderful sit down, served dinner with everything provided. We celebrate Chicago Time here, so not too late - DJ arrives right after dinner and Music every Saturday Night after dinner for the remainder of the season. Get signed up for New Years!
Click the link below to view our current activity calendar...
Jim Lucas
Webmaster - 29 Palms RV resort