Saturday, April 25, 2020

Well - Guess the season is over...2019 Season Recap

This season sure ended a different way with this whole Covid-19 Virus...

Today the last of our Canadian Snowbirds hitched up and headed home to Canada, they are looking forward to a 14 day quarantine when they cross the border in a few days. They were more than happy to stay here in our little safety zone, no cases in the park and all our residents have been practicing social distancing and wearing PPE masks, especially when off property. Most if not all of our long term residents are members of the high risk category and nobody wants to be the one who brings the virus on park property.

Any overnighters or travel throughs are instructed to stay a safe distance away or in their rigs as we are complying with all the rules and regulations in the park.

This year seems to have been plagued with some problems...found out the pool was cracked and sinking, which was not good news, the pool is over 25 years old and when the Covis-19 restrictions were introduced we decided to empty it so we could further examine the cracks and get some estimates for repair...sadly the the pool will be very expensive to repair and we are examining options to remove the existing pool and replace with a smaller new one. Stay tuned for details once things get back to normal, hopefully we can announce a solution before next season.

We started the season a little early with a few pot luck dinners then Thanksgiving Pot Luck with some wonderful deep fried Turkeys provided by the park and supplemented by our wonderful guests with all the fixins.

Plenty of food

Pretty soon Santa arrived!

Our Staff and Workampers had a wonderful Christmas Party

A few days later it was Christmas!

Our Sunday Breakfasts were a big hit all year!

Pancakes or French Toast and sausage!

Christmas Potluck was just as good as Thanksgiving

New Years was another wonderful celebration - Prime rib dinner or Chicken Cordon Bleu

We had some wonderful meals by our kitchen crew and large crowds!

Our DJ always provided some wonderful tunes to dance to!

Plenty of line dances..

Sadly our activities ended right on Luau Weekend, a big disappointment, so it is postponed until next season! We certainly hope all our friends have a wonderful safe and healthy summer and all come back to us for next season!

Jim Lucas

Webmaster - 29 Palms RV resort