Thursday, March 17, 2016

Wednesday NIght BBQ and Golf Tournament Rewards

Every Wednesday during the season the Clubhouse hosts a Happy Hour and for those who want to cook dinner, the BBQ gets fired up and you cook what your brought and enjoy a group dinner. Always a fun time. It is also preceeded by a stretching class for a half hour to loosen up the old bones and muscles.

This Wednesday was a little different - Monday and Tuesday there was our annual golf tournament and it was time for the rewards dinner.

Stretching with Frankie!

As part of the Golf Tournament - there was a steak and baked potato and salad Awards Dinner!

We even had live music by the Luminators!

Time for the results!

We were interrupted with a standing ovation when Ben arrived after a few days in the Hospital!

The Winning Team!

The losing Team and only by a couple strokes!

All the golfers!

Wonderful Dinner!

Needless to say it was another wonderful night in the clubhouse at Twentynine Palms RV Resort!

The season is winding down and we wish everyone a safe trip home or wherever they are headed. Still plenty going on around the park.

Click the link below to view our current activity calendar...

Jim Lucas

Webmaster - 29 Palms RV resort

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