Thursday, March 19, 2015

Twentynine Palms RV Resort - Pat & Chuck Ruth Roast

The park family took on an almost impossible task of trying to Thank Pat & Chuck Ruth for 21 years of memories. It is nearly impossible to remember everything Pat and Chuck have done for the park. A steady line of people recalled some special memories, skits, golf stories, line dancing stories, book sales and Chinese Auctions.

Pat & Chuck have been such an integral part of the park for so long, had we tried to relate every story we would be there for 21 years! However the best were told and we all had a wonderful evening roasting this wonderful couple and wishing them the best on their future plans.

Pat promises to continue the monthly newsletter during the off season keeping everyone informed of our Park Families activities. This really ties the park together and helps people plan their arrival in the fall and a way to keep up with what our park neighbors are up to over the summer. Thanks Pat for keeping us connected!

The Roast!

Big Crowd!

Even Pat had to fill in the details of a story!

Of course there had to be the playing of Elvira and a line dance!

Pat & Chuck Ruth with some memories to take home!

Everyone had a grand time and wish Pat & Chuck nothing but the best and hope they will come back down in future winters and spend a little time with their friends!

Schedule is winding down with people heading home daily - but still plenty to do! Check the link below to our activity calendar!

Our activity schedule is filling up - make sure you check all the events that are planned!

Jim Lucas

Webmaster - 29 Palms RV resort

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