Sunday, February 22, 2015

Mardi Gras a time for good food and fun!

The annual Mardi Gras Celebration here at Twentynine Palms RV Resort was a huge success.

The kitchen crew delivered a wonderful dinner of Jambalya, Red Beans and fresh bread and salad! And it was fantastic! Soon after dinner the festivities started with a special guest comedian - Patrick Hanifin, who did a wonderful show and had everyone in stitches for more than an hour after dinner!

Soon after the comedy show our good friend Walt Young stepped up to the stage and the music and dancing got started!

We had a big crowd to join in the great meal and celebration!

Our guest comedian - Patrick Hanifin!

Time for some music!

In addition to the comedy and dancing our activity director Pat Jennette set up a "photo booth" in the front of the clubhouse where there were props for some fun portraits!!

Now for some great fun pictures!

There will be some proofs available in the next few days and Pat Jennette will be getting prints made of the portraits for those that want them, so stay tuned!

We have a busy week this week with the Can-Am Golf Challenge Monday and Tuesday and on Wednesday we have a Memorial Service for Bill Stock then Thursday we are off to the Orchid Farm in Landers...

Click the link below for the full schedule!

Our activity schedule is filling up - make sure you check all the events that are planned!

Jim Lucas

Webmaster - 29 Palms RV resort

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