We start the afternoon with some Hot Buttered Rum, then a potluck Chili Feed with all the fixin's - Chili, Cornbread, Shredded Cheese and onions! Great Meal!
After we eat it is time for the gift exchange which is always a fun time. We have our own special system of distributing gifts...if you bring a gift you draw a card from a deck of cards and tear it in half...then half is drawn from a basket and you get to go to the gift table and select a gift - you can open that gift or exchange for any of the previous gifts that have been opened then the person who you exchanged with opens the gift. The really good gifts get traded back and forth several times, the first person who selects a gift at the very end gets to select any of the gifts which were drawn during the evening. Needless to say it is a fun gift exchange and gets pretty lively when the trading starts!
It was a beautiful evening!
The Hot Buttered Rum started the evening!
The Mixologist!
The gift table!
As always a great turn-out!
In Addition to the Christmas Party we had a birthday Party for Ron!
Time for Frankie and Don to start the Gift Exchange!
Bert will be a little warmer during his naps!
Ron in a festive mood!
Plenty of Happy Gift recipients!
The Birthday Family!
We have to Thank Lori for getting all the chili heated up and Frankie and Don for organizing and cheering the gift exchange! And Ben and Jim for tending bar and mixing the wonderful hot buttered rum!
Click the line below for our complete activity schedule!
Our activity schedule is filling up - make sure you check all the events that are planned!
Jim Lucas
Webmaster - 29 Palms RV resort
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