Sunday, January 10, 2021


The park is providing two TO GO Meal options weekly!! 

Sunday Morning Breakfast! 

We are serving 3 pancakes or 2 French Toast, sausage, fruit, juice and coffee for $5.00 payable at the door! Please wear your mask when picking up your food. 

Saturday Dinners! 

Each Saturday afternoon we will be cooking up some fantastic meals to go! This week we had a delicious pork chop, mashed potatoes and gravy and green beans and a fresh biscuit for $8.00 per person. This coming week we are fixing baked chicken, home made Mac and Cheese and Peas and fresh biscuit for $8.00 per person. 

We have a number of other meals planned, like home made meatloaf, fried chicken, pork roast and several others. Sign up in the office for your tickets. 

We are working hard to provide some functions for our guests participation during this restricted time, we ask that you please comply with all of the Covid-19 restrictions, wear your mask when out and about and in any of our facilities, please Social Distance as much as possible and should you feel sick with anything, cold, flu, Covid or any other contagious ailment, please stay in your rig or keep your distance. 

Thank You! 

Click the link below to view our current activity calendar...

Jim Lucas

Webmaster - 29 Palms RV resort